Fear not the second dawn of humanity.
After contracting a strange virus that strikes only a fraction of the population, Malaika is ushered to a quarantine facility. The luckier patients are released to resume their normal lives, but with growing signs of mutation in her body, Malaika already knows she won’t be going home.
What will become of her? Who is that mysterious hooded man with the glowing eyes? And why does she feel so strongly drawn to him?

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Wow !! There was an awful lot of feelings packed into this novella !!
Serena Buffaloe
Wow this short story blew me away!! This new journey into new galaxies just made me salivate for more!!
Twilla - Wickedly Sweet and Synful Book Blog
This book ticked all my sci-fi romance book-loving boxes. Short and sweet and oh so sci-fi fantastic!! What a cracking book! A teasing taste of a whole new world and new possibilities.
Bubbles The Book Pimp

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